Last Saturday was my first proper night OUT with group (7 of us) of hearing friends since being activated.
My very good friend Andy who is leaving to work in Lima, Peru for couple months. He's a huge hairy man that resembles a big fuzzy bear hence his nick name is "Lord Bear"! I have known/worked/travelled with him for many years.
I met Andy and the others in a busy, noisy pub before heading off to "Kuti" for a Thai curry. When we were in the pub... Yes course it's very noisy. Andy kindly explained to me that it's OK to shout in the pub. He realised that since i had the implant, my voice is quieter than it was with my HA's. Also previously when i was in pubs with Andy, He was the only person who understood me as he is a VERY good Lipreader!!!! But he wanted to HEAR me use my voice over the back ground noise. I tried and got there in the end!
In the group, we have a friend Deb, I knew her around since same time as Andy, we started working/travelled together for 3 solid months back in 1999. Deb had very STRONG Geordie accent! I never ever really understood her for many years. Man, she do talk for the world! Never seen her quiet except that 5 minute visit to mostary (sp) near Barcelona, Spain.
Last sat, I UNDERSTOOD HER!! AND could hear her over the background noise...she sure sounds like sandpaper! When Andy asked me what does she sound like I said Sandpaper.... He said... yes, that's bout right!! there were tears of laughter.
The night went very well, I am so pleased with myself, as there were rare times when I tapped someone to repeat. It was a fun night.
Breathing appointment
4 years ago